Keratoconus / -globus
EyeVision by André Her in Frankfurt
Keratoconus / -globus
The eye disease Keratoconus / -globus refers to the progressive thinning and cone-shaped deformation of the cornea of the eye. Those affected are usually short-sighted, but glasses cannot completely correct this due to the exceptional curvature of the cornea, so vision is usually below average.
Contact lenses are well suited to replacing the irregular surface of the cornea with a smooth one.
In any case, a gradual acclimatization is necessary, starting with wearing the device for 1-2 hours a day, but aiming for 4-6 hours a day. The daily wearing time depends on various factors, such as personal condition, weather and conditions at work. A large part of the costs are often covered by health insurance.
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